Trouble uploading a qfx file into quicken for the mac

broken image

Read Quicken account lists, categories and tags into Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet program to edit or process. Convert Quicken and Quicken Essentials transactions into Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet program to edit or transfer to another application. The resultant CSV file is easy to read and edit, and the data is suitable for importing into other applications. QXF2CSV will convert account lists, bank account transactions, credit card transactions, categories, transfers, tags, splits, and memorized transactions. QXF2CSV runs on your desktop without requiring any password information or access to your accounts. QXF files contain all bank and credit card account data, but will not contain investment and business accounts, investment transactions, budgets, attachments, or reports. QXF files may be created by Quicken for Windows starting with Quicken 2012 and by Quicken Essentials for Mac. QXF2CSV converts Quicken Transfer Files (QXF) which should not be confused with Quicken Financial Exchange (QFX) files downloaded from a bank or brokerage. Convert QXF files exported from Quicken or Quicken Essentials to CSV format to edit or analyze in Excel or other spreadsheet programs.